The campaign against Comer's plans to cram thousands more people
into even BIGGER tower blocks on the North London Business Park site

COMERS have APPEALED against Barnet Council's refusal - but the APPEAL was REFUSED!

Comer Homes have appealed to the Government's Planning Inspectorate against Barnet Council's refusal to grant planning permission for almost doubling the size of the development from 1,350 to 2,419 units [link to planning application 21/4433/OUT]

This appeal was heard and decided by a Planning Inspector appointed by the Government, not by Barnet Council, in a public hearing which started on 13th February 2024. The Inspector saw all the previously submitted objections to the planning application, and heard submissions from interested parties. The appeal APP/N5090/W/23/3330577 was REFUSED - you can read the decision here.

This page was updated on Mon 18-Mar-2024

The North London Business Park [NLBP] was previously known as The Nortel Site and before that as The Standard
(because it was owned by STC, the Standard Telephones and Cables company)
Comers call it Royal Brunswick Park