When will they apply for planning permission?

The developers' consultasham gave a timeline showing June 2021.
The application 21/4433/OUT was eventually validated by Barnet Council on Tue 10 Aug 2021, and appeared on the Council's planning website on Sat 14 Aug. You can read people's objections here.

How long will construction take?

During the consultasham they mentioned an optimistic 7 years. They started the school, phase zero, in late 2022. So it could all be built by the year 2030, and all 6,000 residents will be swarming around the area trying to find a school, doctor, dentist, etc.

How will all the new residents commute?

Comer proudly state that they will run minibuses to nearby stations. The recent transport consultation they published said people will walk 25 minutes each way to the tube or train stations. By NOT improving the roads and transport infrastructure, the residents will be persuaded to walk and cycle.

Where will all the new residents park?

Comer plan to provide 0.85 spaces per home - so 17 spaces for every 20 homes. Parking on the internal roads will be strictly controlled. So the answer is... in the roads surrounding NLBP.

Why do Comer think such tall tower blocks are acceptable?

In the appeal against Barnet Council's refusal to grant planning permission for the previous design, the Secretary of State for Housing (Robert Jenrick) agreed with the Planning Inspector that "while the taller buildings would be visible from locations in the surrounding area, they would primarily be part of the background cityscape, a characteristic of London even in the suburbs."

The inspector's comment was "the high buildings would only be glimpsed in the background and from some distance away. It is worth noting that a characteristic of the London cityscape, even in the suburbs, is the glimpses of tall buildings from many public vantage points."

People who live in bungalows and traditional two-storey family homes around the site might disagree.